What You’ll Get In Your Free Wealth Strategy Session

Wealth management is timely. The sooner you start, the sooner you start seeing results. During your free consultation, we learn about your goals and your issues. From there, we start putting together a strategic plan designed specifically for YOU. 

Wealth Management Specialized For Lawyers

At Samalin Wealth, we specialize in wealth management for lawyers. We understand your unique challenges —irregular income, tax complexities, and legacy planning—and provide strategies designed to protect and grow your wealth. 

As fiduciaries, we always put your best interests first, ensuring transparent, conflict-free advice that aligns with your goals.

Trust in our Fiduciaries

Let's Get Started

A few years of delaying wealth management can make the difference of hundreds of thousands of dollars (or an early retirement). 

Let’s get a date on the calendar. Because if not now, then when?

What strategies will we discuss?


The Art of Paying
Yourself First

Paying yourself first ensures long-term wealth growth and financial security. By investing in yourself first, you create a foundation that lets your money grow over time.


How to Keep More with
Tax & Salary Deferrals

We'll provide tools you can use to defer taxes, which will allow you to keep more income now and invest it for long-term growth. 


The Key Steps to a Practice-Optional Lifestyle

Yes, it's possible.
You can build wealth outside your law practice, giving you the financial freedom to choose when and how you work.

“Lawyers, you’re working hard, billing hours, closing deals—but at the end of the day, what do you have to show for it? High taxes, high expenses, and no clear path to real wealth. It's time to turn your income into something that lasts—something that works for you, not just the IRS."

Andrew Samalin, CFP®, Principal of Samalin Wealth

Request Your Free Consultation Today

Because you deserve it.